Konsep Kesetaraan Gender dalam Kisah Pengusiran Adam dan Hawa dari Surga: Sebuah Kajian Tematik Menggunakan Pendekatan Linguistik

Hamdi Putra Ahmad


There are not a few Muslims who make the story of Adam and Eve as an argument
to consider women as a source of triggering sin. T
his study aims to find out the
Qur'anic view of the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from heaven, expressing
the comprehensive view of the Qur'an about the chronology of the exorcism of Adam
and Eve and outlining the causes of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Heaven.
This study uses thematic method with Q.S.  An-Nisa  (4): 1 and al-A'raf (7): 22 as
sources of data. Linguistic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results of the
study showed that the emergence of this assumption is motivated by several
reasons. Among the reasons is the history of Israiliyyat made by the classical
interpreters as the primary source in interpreting the verses about Adam and Eve,
which began at the end of the first century of Hhijriyah. The Israiliyyat narrations
which speak of the story of Adam and Eve in general provide information which
tends to make Eve a degrading party as well as a source of sin. This
understanding ultimately affects the lowering of women's position over men in
real life. In fact, if we examine directly the linguistic structure of the text of the
verses in the Qur'an and read it holistically, and linked with the maqashid of
equality of human creation, we will find that the Qur'an always makes Eve in an
equal position with Adam.


Adam, Eve, Gender equality, Thematic methode, Linguistic analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15548/jk.v7i2.177


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